
10 Surprising Facts About B2B Data That Will Transform Your Sales Strategy

July 15th, 2024 by


In today’s competitive market, B2B data plays a crucial role in shaping effective sales strategies. It helps businesses understand customer needs, predict market trends, and customize their offerings for maximum impact. With strong data analysis, companies can go beyond generic pitches and create personalized selling strategies that deeply connect with their target audience.

This article explores 10 surprising facts about B2B data that could potentially transform your sales strategy. Supported by research and real-life examples, these insights will assist you in discovering new possibilities, strengthening customer relationships, and achieving significant growth in your sales efforts.

To use the power of B2B data effectively, it’s important to know how to collect and use it ethically. Understanding marketing data lists will give you valuable information on how they handle your data for marketing purposes.

If you’re interested in improving your sales efforts through focused B2B campaigns, you may want to consider options for buying business data from trusted providers like AD Marketing who specialize in B2B Marketing Data.

1. The Role of B2B Data in Understanding Customer Needs

B2B data is crucial for understanding what customers want and need. This understanding is key for creating effective personalized selling strategies in a B2B context.

Key Insights:

  • Buyer’s Situation: B2B data insights give you a clear picture of the buyer’s situation. This helps you customize your offerings to address their specific challenges and needs.
  • Personalized Selling: Detailed customer data allows sales professionals to create highly personalized sales pitches that connect with potential buyers, increasing the likelihood of making sales.

Real-Life Examples:

  • Case Study 1: A software company used B2B data analytics to identify common pain points among their target audience. By aligning their product features with these needs, they saw a 30% increase in sales within six months.
  • Case Study 2: Another example comes from a logistics firm that utilized B2B data to divide their market into smaller, more manageable groups. This enabled them to offer customized solutions, leading to a 25% improvement in client retention rates.

Key Fact

XX% of businesses credit their sales success to using B2B data analytics effectively.

To learn more about creating targeted business mailing lists, you may find this resource on The Ultimate Guide To Building Targeted Business Mailing Lists helpful. Business mailing lists provide specific contact information for potential clients or partners, improving marketing strategies and outreach by reaching the right people efficiently and boosting business growth.

For additional insights on how B2B services can contribute to business success, check out this article on Boosting Business Success: Unveiling the Power of B2B Services with AD Marketing. B2B services facilitate business interactions, offering customized solutions for companies. They make processes smoother, increase efficiency, and encourage collaboration to stimulate growth and success in the professional world.

2. Leveraging Data Disruption to Drive Sales Growth

Sales professionals can use B2B data-driven disruption techniques to break through a prospect’s inertia and create opportunities for sales advancement. This involves presenting compelling insights derived from B2B data that challenge the prospect’s status quo. By disrupting the existing mindset, you encourage prospects to re-evaluate their current solutions and consider your offering as a superior alternative.

Challenging the Prospect’s Status Quo

  1. Compelling Insights

Utilize specific data points that highlight inefficiencies or gaps in the prospect’s current processes.

  1. Strategic Presentation

Present these insights in a manner that not only identifies problems but also suggests actionable solutions.

  1. Inspiring Action

Frame your data-driven arguments in a way that motivates prospects to take immediate action towards change.

For additional techniques on how to utilize different types of B2B data, explore 5 Types of B2B Data and How to Use Them To Gain Leads provided by AD Marketing.

AD Marketing offers quality B2B and B2C data solutions that can enhance marketing efforts, improve customer targeting, and achieve better results.

3. The Hidden Opportunities: Uncovering Unconsidered Needs with B2B Data

Identifying unconsidered needs through strategic analysis of B2B data opens up valuable opportunities. By addressing these hidden needs, businesses position themselves as trusted advisors.

Advanced techniques such as predictive analytics and machine learning in B2B data mining uncover emerging customer pain points before the competition. For instance:

  • Predictive Analytics: Utilizes historical data to predict future trends, allowing you to anticipate customer needs.
  • Machine Learning: Algorithms can identify patterns and anomalies in large datasets, revealing unmet needs.

By leveraging these technologies, your sales strategy becomes proactive rather than reactive, offering solutions your customers haven’t yet realized they need.

For further insights into why strategic data lists are crucial, consider exploring this article. Additionally, learn how a B2B content marketing agency specializing in strategic, data-driven solutions can enhance your strategies.

4. The Art of Persuasion: Storytelling with B2B Data

Storytelling in sales plays a pivotal role by weaving B2B data into compelling narratives that resonate deeply with potential buyers. Utilizing data to craft these stories transforms cold statistics into engaging tales that highlight real-world applications, successes, and customer journeys.

Key elements of a persuasive B2B data-driven story include:

  1. Concrete Data Points: Incorporate specific figures and statistics to support your narrative. These provide solid evidence that enhances credibility.
  2. Customer Insights: Use insights gathered from existing customers to illustrate common pain points and solutions that your product or service offers.
  3. Outcome-Based Results: Highlight tangible results and outcomes achieved by clients through the use of your offerings, backed by clear data.

To gather accurate and relevant information for creating these compelling narratives, leverage tools like marketing data lists. These lists provide valuable insights that can be incorporated into your storytelling approach. For more on how B2B data lists can be utilized effectively, explore this guide.

Crafting stories with B2B data not only persuades but also builds trust, making your pitch memorable and impactful.

5. Gaining a Competitive Edge with Unique Value Propositions Supported by Data

In the B2B sales landscape, businesses often struggle to stand out from competitors who offer similar products or services. This is known as the parity trap. When faced with this challenge, it becomes difficult to convince potential customers of the unique value your business can provide. But there is a way to overcome this hurdle – by using data.

Strategies for Developing Data-Backed USPs:

  • Identify Key Differentiators: Use data analytics to uncover unique features or benefits that set your offerings apart from the competition.
  • Quantify Superiority: Present compelling statistics and metrics that highlight how your product outperforms competitors.
  • Customer Testimonials and Case Studies: Utilize real-world examples and success stories, supported by concrete data, to build credibility.

To illustrate this further, consider the benefits of buying data leads. These leads provide valuable insights into potential customer needs and preferences, enabling you to tailor your value propositions more effectively.

Furthermore, staying updated with the latest marketing trends is crucial for maintaining competitive differentiation. Resources like AD Marketing blog offer a wealth of information that can help refine your strategies and keep you ahead of the curve. It’s your go-to source for all things marketing – providing tips, insights, and much more.


6. Building Trust and Credibility through a Customer-Centric Sales Approach

Adopting a customer-centric approach in B2B sales is essential for building trust and fostering long-lasting relationships with buyers. Leveraging B2B data helps sales professionals understand customer needs deeply, ensuring that every interaction adds value.

Practical ways to incorporate B2B data insights into the sales process include:

  • Personalized Communication: Use data to tailor messages that resonate with individual prospects.
  • Proactive Problem Solving: Identify potential issues before they arise by analyzing customer data trends.
  • Value-Driven Engagements: Continuously offer insights and solutions that address specific customer pain points.

To further enhance your outreach strategies and build direct connections with decision-makers, consider exploring reliable email marketing data lists. These lists can provide you with valuable resources to speak directly to your target audience, improving your chances of success in the B2B arena.

7. The Power of Visuals: Creating Impactful B2B Data Presentations

Visual storytelling in sales presentations can significantly enhance the communication of key insights from B2B data. Using compelling visuals helps to simplify complex data, making it more digestible for your audience. To create effective slides:

  • Highlight Key Data Points: Use charts, graphs, and infographics to emphasize critical information.
  • Maintain Clarity: Ensure the visuals are clean and not overloaded with text or numbers.
  • Consistency: Stick to a consistent color scheme and design style to maintain a professional look.

Interactive elements add another layer of engagement. Consider incorporating:

  • Live Polls: Gather instant feedback to tailor the presentation in real-time.
  • Interactive Charts: Allow prospects to explore data points themselves.
  • Videos and Animations: These can break up the monotony and keep your audience engaged.

8. Navigating Price Discussions with Value-Based Solutions Supported by Data

Price negotiations in a B2B context can be challenging. Anchoring discussions on the unique value your offerings bring, using data as a supporting rationale, is essential.

  1. Communicate ROI Effectively

Demonstrate the Return on Investment (ROI) of your product or service through data-driven pricing proposals.

  • Use specific metrics and case studies to show potential cost savings, efficiency improvements, or revenue growth.
  • Present comparative analysis highlighting how your solution outperforms competitors.
  1. Data-Driven Justification

Leverage concrete data points to justify pricing.

  • Provide evidence of past successes and projected future benefits.
  • Use charts and graphs to visually represent the value proposition.

Using these strategies, you can transform price discussions from a focus on cost to a focus on value, making it easier for prospects to see the benefits of investing in your solutions.

9. Striking the Balance: Appealing to Emotions While Maintaining Data Integrity in B2B Sales

In B2B sales, it’s important to find a balance between appealing to emotions and using logical arguments. Emotional appeals can grab the attention of buyers, but it’s essential to back them up with solid data.

Here are some techniques you can use to create persuasive stories that connect with both the hearts and minds of buyers:

  1. Blend Data with Emotion: Incorporate relevant data into your storytelling process to support the emotional aspects of your message. This approach ensures that your story is not only relatable but also credible.
  2. Highlight Achievements: Share real-life success stories or case studies where your product or service has made a significant difference. Make sure to include specific data points that validate these accomplishments.
  3. Focus on Results: Emphasize the positive outcomes and benefits that would resonate emotionally with the buyer. At the same time, provide supporting data to back up these claims.

10. Nurturing Long-Term Customer Relationships with B2B Data

Customer retention and relationship nurturing are critical components of a successful B2B strategy. Leveraging B2B data can significantly enhance these efforts by enabling personalized engagement strategies that go beyond the initial sale.

Key areas where B2B data can drive customer retention and advocacy:

  1. Anticipating Customer Needs: Use historical and predictive analytics to identify what your customers might need before they even realize it.
  2. Delivering Proactive Support: Monitor usage patterns and feedback to offer timely support, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Identifying Upselling or Cross-Selling Opportunities: Analyze purchasing behavior to recommend complementary products or services that meet evolving customer needs.

Implementing these data-driven strategies transforms customers from mere buyers into advocates, fostering long-term relationships that are beneficial for both parties.


Using data as the foundation of your sales strategies can have a significant impact on your business results. The 10 surprising facts about B2B data discussed in this article provide practical advice that you can implement right away to enhance your sales efforts.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Customer Needs: Utilize B2B data to gain deep insights into customer pain points and tailor personalized selling strategies.
  2. Leveraging Data Disruption: Use data-driven disruption techniques to challenge the prospect’s status quo and drive higher conversion rates.
  3. Uncovering Unconsidered Needs: Identify hidden opportunities through advanced data analysis to position your business as a trusted advisor.
  4. Storytelling with Data: Craft compelling narratives using concrete data points and customer insights to make lasting impressions.
  5. Unique Value Propositions: Overcome the parity trap by developing strong USPs backed by compelling B2B data evidence.
  6. Customer-Centric Sales Approach: Build trust and credibility by adopting a customer-centric mindset supported by data.

Continue learning about the evolving role of B2B data in driving sales excellence:

Implement these insights and leverage B2B data to elevate your sales strategy and achieve remarkable results.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Sales professionals can use B2B data-driven disruption techniques to break through prospect's inertia and create opportunities for sales advancement. By challenging the prospect's status quo with compelling insights from B2B data, they can inspire action and drive higher conversion rates.

Strategic analysis of B2B data can help identify unconsidered needs, presenting valuable opportunities for businesses to position themselves as trusted advisors by addressing these hidden needs. Advanced techniques such as predictive analytics and machine learning in B2B data mining can uncover emerging customer pain points before the competition, leading to revenue growth.

Storytelling with B2B data can be utilized to craft compelling narratives that resonate with potential buyers. The key elements of a persuasive B2B data-driven story include the use of concrete data points, customer insights, and outcome-based results, resulting in longer remembrance by prospects.

Businesses can leverage data to overcome the parity trap in B2B sales and develop strong unique value propositions (USPs) supported by compelling evidence of superiority. This communication of a data-backed USP increases the likelihood of winning deals in competitive markets.

Adopting a customer-centric mindset in B2B sales is crucial for building trust and long-lasting relationships with buyers. Leveraging data helps sales professionals build trust by incorporating insights into the sales process while maintaining a focus on meeting customer needs and adding value at every stage.

What the GDPR Law Means for Lead Generation | AD Marketing

October 4th, 2022 by

GDPR: What This Means for Future Lead Generation

If you operate a business in the EU, you’ve probably heard the term GDPR a few times. This stands for General Data Protection Regulation, a new law that was put into place in 2018 by the European Union.

This privacy act has intimated business owners and marketers since the public became aware of it. It’s extremely important to keep your practices compliant with the GDPR because there are tremendous fines if you don’t.

Today, you will learn about some of the most crucial regulations and basic GDPR considerations when buying data.


What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation is legislation that protects European consumers and business people. This data is comprised of names, addresses, and any information that can be used to identify a prospective customer. Even though the Uk has left the EU we are still abiding by this law.

While this could be seen as a win for your everyday person, it can make life a lot more difficult for marketers and B2B sellers.


What are the Basic Guidelines?

GDPR is an extensive act that includes many different guidelines to abide by. Still, today you’re going to learn some of the basic GDPR considerations when buying data so you can keep your company from paying large amounts of money in fines.


When using 3rd party marketing data you should register with the ICO

Perform due diligence on the supplier you are purchasing from if you are purchasing from a 3rd party
• You need to properly secure the data you collect
• You need to update all privacy disclaimers on your website, so the consumer is never in the dark
• You need to have a privacy policy on your website that fits your needs while maintaining transparency
• You should have a staff member dedicated solely to the cybersecurity of your clients’ data (this is known as a Data Protection officer)
• You must receive consent for any cookies you want to store on your customer’s web browser
• You must remove any person who requests you to do so
• Any Subject access requests must be dealt within the time frame set

If these guidelines aren’t followed, the results could include fines and a complete website shutdown.


How Will Lead Generation Change?

Before GDPR was implemented, lead generation often consisted of cold emailing prospects once their email address was collected from a database. This has been a sales technique for ages, but it is not so simple now.

The privacy act strictly enforces getting consent before collecting consumer data, as well as informing consumers what their data will be used for. You must take precautions when buying any data lists from marketing companies. Luckily, you can find more information about buying B2B data lists here.

All of our data lists lists are entirely compliant with the GDPR—Our suppliers follow a strict GDPR email compliance checklist.


What are the Fines for Non-Compliance?

The GDPR is not something to be taken lightly. If you’re caught going against the guidelines, you could face a fine of up to 20 million pounds or 4% of the previous year’s worldwide revenue. It should be noted that you’ll be charged whichever of the two is higher.

When purchasing data for any type of B2c campaign whether it be email broadcasting, telephone or postal marketing it is very crucial to buy data lists from companies that follow the guidelines and receive consent from consumers before collecting their data. Using bad data could lead to consequences on your part, even if it isn’t necessarily your fault.


How to Comply with the GDPR when Generating Leads

If you’ve read this far, you know how vital GDPR compliance is. Learn how you can make sure you’re always following the guidelines when you are directly collecting prospect data or buying lists from lead generation businesses.

Ask for Consent


There are three ways you can collect data from a user with the GDPR in place.

• You are creating a client contract
• You are fulfilling a request for more information
• You have asked for the consumer’s consent


Following this guideline could be as simple as coding a popup into your website that asks visitors if their data can be stored and tracked using cookies

Make sure that when your provider conducts research and collects consumer information, they ask for consent to share the data with other organisations. This way, no consumer is blindsided when you contact them, and you aren’t violating the GDPR.

If you are using lead generation forms, make sure you include a field that opts in the user to have their data stored, shared, and used by your company.


Inform the Users Why and How Their Data will be Used

It is crucial that your prospects aren’t unaware of how their data is being used. You need to state in your privacy policy:

• How users can opt-out of data collection
• Where their information will be stored, if they consent
• How their data will be used within the company
• If their data will be shared with other organisations
• If you’re using third parties to collect consumer data, these third parties should be listed in your privacy policy

You must also make your privacy policy visible so website visitors can find and read it.


Protect Consumer Data

To appropriately handle consumer data, you must ensure it’s safe. This includes hiring a staff member designated to protecting the data from cybersecurity threats that could expose private information.

You can also ensure that the data you collect is protected by encrypting your site with an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This helps your users trust you and feel more secure, allowing you to collect and store their information.


Wrap Up

The GDPR is the strictest privacy act that any governing body has ever enacted, so it’s essential that you comply with the guidelines. Otherwise, you risk owing large fines and possibly facing a website shutdown. This new legislation seriously affects lead generation, but that doesn’t mean it has to be more difficult.

AD Marketing offer high-quality B2B data lists that are GDPR compliant. If you’re looking to build your B2B email list, check out our website and find one that best suits your company!

B2b data has a different set of regulations to b2c.

Email addresses can be licensed for third party email campaigns as long as they fulfil the following criteria:

• Sole traders and partnerships are treated as consumers and are opt-in.
• Employees of corporates, ie. limited companies, publicly limited companies, limited liability partnerships and government departments, are provided on an opt-out basis
• Employees of corporates are given the option to easily unsubscribe or opt-out from receiving email marketing

Additionally, you must ensure that you give the recipient the option to easily unsubscribe or opt-out from receiving email marketing and that the product or service you are promoting is targeted to the right audience. For example, promoting a medical conference to an Accountant would not be deemed as appropriate.
Although AD Marketing telephone numbers are screened against the do not call register every 28 days.

Lead Generation vs. Demand Generation: What You Need To Know

September 8th, 2022 by

When it comes to business-to-business marketing, B2B data plays a critical role in the generation of new customers and more sales. B2B data providers in the UK use many different forms of information to find consumers and capitalise on leads, including demographic, firmographic, chronographic, technographic, and intent data. In an era of technological revolution, finding new business leads and opportunities has never been easier.

So You Have All The Data… Now What?

Once you have a plethora of B2B marketing data, it’s crucial to implement effective marketing strategies to find your golden customer! Two common ways corporations implement marketing strategies are lead and demand generation. Although some people use the two terms interchangeably, they are two separate parts of the same whole. Let’s dive in and learn the difference between the two strategies.

Demand Generation

Let’s get creative! Demand generation uses marketing campaigns to demonstrate what your business has to offer to potential customers. The purpose of this method is to create excitement and buzz around your products or services. Today, social media is a potent tool for getting leads. Across the internet, people express frustrations and needs openly– this is where you swoop in to save the day. Demand generation is about building relationships and trust with potential clients.

Methods Of Demand Generation

  • Engage in conversations across platforms
  • Create an active social media presence
  • Use intent data to find buyers already in the market
  • Paid ads
  • Event marketing


  • Allows you to streamline marketing campaigns: When you discover your target audience, marketing efforts can be more specific and direct.
  • Broaden your customer base: Reach new audiences by appealing to a broader range of demographics.
  • Increase consumer retention: Implementing the values and concerns of your clientele creates a robust relationship built on trust. Demand generation can help curtail turnover.
  • Brand recognition: How often do we see the same ads over and over? Continuously popping up in potential leads’ feeds keeps you at the forefront of their mind. Even if they don’t make a purchase immediately, they are more likely to see you as a reputable brand eventually.


  • May have difficulty executing other essential strategies: With all the focus on who to gear your content to, business owners often overlook account-based. Make sure to keep your campaign method focused on key decision-makers in your field.
  • Poor B2B data leads: Much data generated by demand leads are incomplete or inaccurate, which can make conversion difficult.
  • Liability for breaking evolving data regulations: In 2018, Europe enacted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR is a strict set of complex laws that enforces substantial fines on B2B data providers in the UK who don’t correctly protect data privacy. Be sure to familiarise yourself with these regulations to protect your company from legal action.

Demand generation allows for innovation and expansion as you develop your brand identity. However, it may not be the most direct way to obtain customer information. 

Lead Generation

Lead generation is proactive. These types of outbound sales campaigns utilise the collection of B2B data to learn more about target customers, eventually turning them into solid leads. Unlike demand generation, this method of generating sales lies solely on personal information about potential customers. Collecting B2B marketing data allows you to tailor your campaign to your ideal buyer. Dishing out relevant information to leads may increase the likelihood of a sale or purchase.

Methods Of Lead Generation

When it comes to lead generation, there are many ways to voluntarily receive potential leads’ contact information. These methods may include:

  • Creating gated content on your webpage
  • Forms
  • Use B2B email data for newsletter signups
  • Promotions


  • Increase leads during seasons of slower production: If you’re struggling to engage interest in your company, lead generation can help you reach new potential consumers.
  • Can expand company visibility, especially for new or small businesses: Getting your name out there is half the battle. In a competitive market, you may have to go to extraordinary lengths to be recognized by your target audience.
  • A greater quantity of leads: More leads mean more opportunities for sales!


  • Lack of return on investment (ROI): Paid leads are not guaranteed to accept your business. Investing in a high volume of potential customer information may be risky, especially if your marketing budget is low.
  • Lower quality leads: greater quantity means that many leads may not be qualified or actively searching for your services.
  • Conversion takes a significant amount of work: Your target consumer will likely receive a plethora of phone calls, emails, and texts from competitors. In addition to your campaign tactics, the value of your service must be able to stand on its own.

While lead generation is a valuable method to fortify your marketing efforts, it is generally not sustainable as your primary method to find prospective customers. You should also be focused on search engine optimization (SEO) and building your presence on the web. Invest in an attractive, professional website and digital marketing to bring the best leads straight to your door. Regarding the B2B email data collection, lead generation cannot be beaten!

Dynamic Duo: Why Demand And Lead Generation Work So Well Together

Demand generation and lead generation complement one another like bread and butter. When using B2B marketing data, it is critical to use various marketing strategies to secure optimal results. Where lead generation may fall short in some areas, demand generation picks up the slack and vice versa. Successful B2B data providers in the UK know that various marketing tools will bring you the best success in finding and maintaining new clients.

It’s time to capitalise on the success of your business by turning B2B email data and other forms of information into viable, captivating marketing campaigns! It’s your turn to find success.

5 Types of B2B Data and How to Use Them To Gain Leads

September 8th, 2022 by

In an ever-evolving, technological market, business-to-business (B2B) data lists are crucial for a company’s success. B2B data is a compilation of information used by marketers to capitalise on leads and B2B marketing lists. This data culminates from multiple sources across the web, including social media accounts, websites, and other marketing lists. Utilising B2B data lists can help with more focused leads, target audience identification, and optimised personalization.

These five main types of B2B data may help you gain more leads in your search for clients:

Demographic Data

Demographic B2B data is key information that helps you better understand your target audience. Since demographic data helps paint a clear picture of your customer, making it a primary focus of your business is critical. This precious knowledge includes things like:

  • Addresses
  • Contact information like phone numbers and emails
  • Names
  • Employment info
  • Education and qualifications
  • Income

You’ve struck gold if you have access to this data in your B2B marketing lists!

Firmographic Data

Marketing strategists can often overlook firmographic data, but using it as part of your campaign could help you reach the correct audience. As the name suggests, firmographic data directly relates to specific information about businesses, such as:

  • Business names
  • The industry the company is in
  • Location and size
  • Revenue

Chronographic Data

B2B data lists often don’t contain the elusive but valuable information found in chronographic data, a type of business intelligence that firmographic data lacks. Focusing on chronographic data offers specific details related to a company’s hiring trends, funding, and acquisitions. Since few business entities take advantage of these specifics, you can prove yourself at the top of your industry by utilising chronographic data from the best B2B data providers in the UK!

Technographic Data

Two types of technographic data are commonly used: pure and social. This type of data is directly related to your potential customer’s technologies, software, and features. B2B providers can use technographic data in the UK to inform of the use of particular technologies and when the business began to use them. Corporations spend millions of dollars annually to bolster their technological advancements and digital activities. Don’t miss out on the blooming value of this type of data!

Intent Data

Intent data benefits your business by helping you market to your ideal consumer before other competitors. Intent information feeds you intelligence about the buying activities of a specific company. Better understand your target market by obtaining these types of knowledge:

  • Search history
  • Websites the company has visited
  • Products and services viewed
  • Amenities they subscribe to

Cover Your Bases: Being GDPR Compliant

Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation law was enacted in 2018 to protect data privacy and security. When using B2B data, it is crucial to ensure lawful storage and use of data. The law strictly enforces violations with hefty fines. Familiarise yourself with GDPR expectations when using B2B data lists to ensure your business’s and others’ safety. These requirements include confidentiality, security, privacy policies, and limiting access to personal data. 

Using B2B Data To Level Up

Using all five types of B2B data accordingly can ensure the success of your business! Optimising data will help you create more effective marketing campaigns and help you find your path to a more successful business.

B2B Data Lists and the Importance of Relevant Targeted Data

July 26th, 2022 by

Email marketing is one of the most efficient ways to build and retain client relationships. It can be a tedious task to create your B2B email list, and some companies believe that buying the least expensive data will help them excel in their marketing efforts. That’s actually not the case. Today, you’ll learn what B2B marketing data and lists are and why sourcing relevant, targeted data is the best option for your business.

What are B2B Data Lists?

B2B marketing data lists have become very popular in the modern age. B2B data includes information such as:

  • prospect names
  • contact details
  • company revenues and business statuses
  • social media profiles

These key details help you build a B2B email list where you can routinely reach out to these prospects and provide helpful information that will draw them to your services.

Relevant B2B data lists are comprised of potential leads that are most likely to buy what you have to offer, so they are highly targeted to the industries you serve.

How Do You Build a B2B Email List?

There are two ways you can build your B2B email list. You can use information from current customers already in your database, and you can buy a B2B database from a trusted company that regularly collects this information from the entire population. While to some, this may sound deterring, however these are normal and necessary business practices. Most marketing companies need access to data to develop and generate new leads and convert them into clients. In fact, we offer targeted B2B lists in the UK. These will make the lead generation process a lot easier and save you time, so you can focus on what you do best.

Bad Data Vs. Good Data

Bad data includes mistakes like misspelt names, inaccurate/incorrect email addresses, and telephone numbers with missing digits. Bad data also consists of prospects not within the industries you serve. These could be companies chosen randomly or ones that haven’t ever looked into what your company does.

Good data has minimal mistakes and is highly targeted to the businesses you serve. This means there are relevant companies listed that have already searched for products like yours. This data is collected through surveys and consistent research, so you’ll never have a faulty B2B email list again.

Why is Relevant Data so Important?

Let’s say you own a software company that integrates all necessary tools into one place for digital marketing firms. You probably aren’t going to sell your software to restaurant owners because they don’t have the same needs as digital marketers that are running multiple accounts in different industries.

Relevant data lets you put your product in front of people and businesses who are already interested. This could include business owners who have searched for your services on Google, people who have answered surveys and claimed to be looking for what you have to offer, or businesses in the industry you serve.

What is GDPR Compliance Data?

The General Data Protection Regulation law was recently put into place in Europe in 2018. This privacy act is the strictest of its kind and has many sections. One of them states that individuals have the right to ask organisations and businesses to delete their data. It is crucial to comply with the GDPR rules when dealing with B2B lists in the UK.

Wrap Up

B2B marketing data is crucial to any company’s marketing strategy. Our B2B email lists allow you to reach more prospects and put in less work when closing sales. If you would like to purchase a B2B list from our database, check out our website and find one that fits your needs perfectly!

The Benefits of Purchasing Business Data and Using It to Your Advantage

February 4th, 2022 by

There are many arguments around whether it is better to purchase business data, or to create your own organic data for marketing, productions and staffing purposes. There are very strong arguments for both, but we are here to dispel the myth that purchased data is a waste of money and resources. This is simply not true! 

  1. Campaign Analysis

Purchasing business data offers a great way to measure the success of your marketing campaigns. Marketing campaigns cost a lot of money and take up a lot of time, so effective ways of measuring their success is essential. 

For example, if you purchase business data before and after a campaign has gone out, you can clearly track the effect it has had on your customer engagement and customer purchases. You can see which mediums customers found you through (email, social media, online advertising), and the changes in their purchasing habits, patterns and pretences. This information is essential for tailoring future strategies, helping you to put together, bespoke, demographic-focused, and ultimately more successful campaigns. 

  1. Opportunities and Pattern Tracking

Purchased business data helps you to see buying and engagement patterns for both specific customers and for broader demographic groups. This helps you to predict their needs and to tailor your service towards ensuring that they find the products and services that most interest them. 

This data supports your business in creating opportunities, by putting the customer face to face with the products and services they are most likely to engage with. 

  1. Best Prospects From Business Data

Purchasing data also directs you towards your best prospects. The behaviour and preferences expressed by your current customers make it easier to identify which other individuals or companies might also be interested in what you have to offer. This is likely to broaden your reach significantly. 

  1. Future Trends

Patterns seen through purchased data are also useful when considering which direction your company, and perhaps industry, is going. Being able to predict what your customers want is invaluable when thinking about where your business should be growing and investing in order to be successful in the future. 

This future applies to a number of things. First of all, it shows you which products and services re popular, which are not, and which need to develop in order to appeal to your demographic. Purchased data can also help you to predict periods of high and low demand, meaning that you can staff your business or up/down production appropriately.  

The Benefits of B2C and B2B data lists for Your Business

February 4th, 2022 by

The collection, analysis and sale of B2C and B2B Data Lists is not a new concept in marketing. Indeed, customer feedback and the monitoring of customer behaviour was being carried out long before the internet came into existence.

That being said, we are now firmly in a digital age, and the ways in which we collect B2B data and, indeed, the results are getting more targeted, accurate and sophisticated by the day. Consumers are creating fresh data every day, and marketing experts are becoming ever more creative and skilled with the way that they use this information. There is no doubt that consumer data is now imperative to a successful marketing strategy.

But how, specifically, can buying B2B Data Lists support your business?

  1. Targeted Marketing
    Data on consumer desires and behaviours helps you to target marketing to specific demographics, and to cater your offers and services to specific consumer demands.
  2. A Personalised Customer Experience
    Consumers like it when they feel that an experience has been curated for them in particular. B2C data can help you to meet their interests and to customize any interactions you, or your online platforms, have with them. In a fiercely competitive online market that operated globally, a personal experience is rare, and so is very valuable if you can get a reputation for it.
  3. Service Development
    Knowing exactly what your target audiences respond to is hugely beneficial to the growth and improvement of your business and the way that you interact with consumers. Every piece of data, from product reviews to purchasing patterns, can go towards the fine-tuning of your services.
  4. More Efficient Marketing Strategies
    With access to good quality data, the creation of marketing strategies becomes more efficient. Creating them becomes more straightforward, as you relying on clear directions as opposed to guesswork. The marketing material itself will also have a higher conversion rate, as you are not wasting time and money on marketing strategies that are ineffective.

Why use Marketing Data Lists?

At Marketing Data Lists, we are committed to creating a great customer experience, and making the process of data acquisition as simple as possible for our clients. Why else should you come to us for all your data needs?

  • We have 25 years’ experience in providing B2c and B2B Data Lists.
  • We have a specific package available designed to help businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic. This package helps companies acquire fresh leads through email campaigns targeted at company decision-makers.
  • We are a highly accurate data broker that offers extremely competitive value.
  • Our data lists include full names of decision-makers, job titles, email addresses, postal addresses and phone numbers.
  • We have access to over 4 million postal records, 1 million phone numbers and 700,000  business email leads
  • We can assist with email broadcasting when you buy email leads and telephone marketing for your business.

B2B Business Data and the Value it Gives Companies

February 4th, 2022 by

Business data is valuable in more ways than one. In the realm of B2C, the understanding of data protection and GDPR is improving but these laws also apply to B2B data too. As a company, you need to be aware of these challenges; especially if you are purchasing business data to market your company. How do you obtain and use this valuable information for marketing, but stay on the right side of the many laws and regulations governing it?

Buying B2B business data for any purpose could potentially land you in a heap of trouble that could cost you thousands in fines and loss of reputation. Working with a marketing company that specialises in acquiring and using B2B data is, therefore, a far better path to take.

Appreciating the complex natures of laws and regulations relating to acquiring, using, storing and archiving business and customer data, a specialist company can safely navigate these for you.

Any organisation that processes and holds such data must be registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

What are the rules for direct B2B business data marketing?

Direct email marketing needs to meet a set of stringent rules. But what are they?

  • You can email employees of corporate bodies (limited companies, public limited companies, government departments and limited liability partnerships) without prior consent
  • Employees of corporate bodies and businesses must be given the option to opt out or unsubscribe from mailing lists
  • Partnership and sole traders will need to opt in as they are consumers. But unsolicited direct marketing emails are allowed if when the company collecting their address informed them it would be used in this way. There also needs to be an opt out/unsubscribe option clearly visible.

But like all marketing efforts, business mailing lists are only useful if the B2B email list is ‘zoned’. In other words, the email being sent to contacts contains information and offers that is useful and of interest to them.

Are data protection rules holding back your marketing campaigns?

A scattered approach to business email marketing will not yield the results that you want but this isn’t the main concern for many businesses: it is the rules of GDPR and data protection rules that leave them concerned as to whether they are breaking the law or not.

Business data is commercially sensitive information, as too is the growing pool of information you’ll hold on a company such as employee names and email addresses, roles and responsibilities and so on.

Navigating these rules and regulations with a specialist company with in-depth knowledge of how to manage and correctly use business and marketing data is key to success.

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Email Marketing

February 4th, 2022 by

Email marketing is not limited to promoting products and services, it is also a cost-effective way of maintaining customer relations, gaining new customers and making your business remain memorable to your target audience. There is a wide range of opportunities and benefits that come from successful email marketing. However, today’s inboxes are crowded, noisy and extremely competitive places so is it a worthwhile step for your business?

Here we look at 5 reasons why you should consider making the investment into email marketing

Build customer loyalty

Anyone with an email address has the option to receive communications from a business. A sign up form, displayed on a brands website, has the ability to gain data from each customer. This will teach the business who their audience is; their ages, locations, occupations etc.

Once you have a demographic understanding of your customer base you can then tailor future actions which will be accurate. In turn this will retain loyal customers’ interest as well as increasing the likelihood of gaining subscribers.

Email marketing for promotion and sales

Email marketing is an extremely effective way for an online retailer to inform consumers of any upcoming online promotions, sales and discounts. You could provide a countdown to keep customers waiting (and talking about your looming sale) with compelling campaigns that will boost your company’s sales at a comparatively low cost. Providing updates before the sale begins will create a sense of urgency within consumers that will result in higher clicks for your company.

Email results are easy to track

Perhaps the most important benefit of email marketing is that performance is easy to measure and track. Your business will gain an insight into the performance of the campaign which will show clearly how customers are engaging with your communications. You will be able to see what level of interest your varying products are receiving and see what adjustments need to be made.

Reaching mobile customers

A recent survey revealed that there are 3.5 billion smartphone users around the world in 2020, which is almost 45% of the population. Email marketing is an easy way to reach mobile customers without having to invest in new software or technology.

We are becoming programmed to react to our phones notifications, while we often scroll through our computers inbox at our leisure, there is more urgency when we are directly notified of an email on our phones. Mobile customers are more likely to click onto your company email, share the email or delve further into it than they would at a desktop computer.

Email marketing drives ROI

Email subscribers are more likely to click on your email link than any social media followers or fans. The revenue opportunities through email marketing are hugely beneficial as consumers are much more responsive to things directly sent to them, than adverts they stumble across elsewhere.

Here at AD Marketing we have more than 30 years experience in this sector and are always on hand to provide support or advice should you need it. We can help to plan your marketing campaign or even execute the campaign on your behalf. Simply get in touch today to see how our business can help yours

The Benefits of International Data Lists

February 4th, 2022 by

How your company can leverage International Business Data

Have you ever found yourself wanting to expand your business proposition or service reach to a global market, but had no idea where to start or in which direction to turn? So often we are being told that social media and online platforms are the way to go, and yet it seems that unless you have a starting point from which to jump, the ability to reach that coveted global marketplace is not only challenging but near impossible.

That’s where international data and localised knowledge comes into play

Operating on a B2B scale, we are one of the leading suppliers of international business contact information across a range of different sectors – all GDPR compliant, localised and effective, and all supplied by relevancy according to your target audience needs. So, what are the benefits of international data lists, and why can’t you just go online and find some email addresses and contact names yourself?

Benefits of global business information

International business leads are much more than just names and email lists. Crucially, the most effective data captures are those which identify the niche areas which make a company relevant for a particular campaign or marketing drive and ensure that communication only goes out to those most likely to show interest. This all comes together in what we call lead generation – with analytics targeting only those consumers most likely to convert into customers so that the campaign receives a high conversion rate and becomes a business success. Of course, what this means is identifying what those niche brackets may be, so that you know which kind of international contacts you need. This is where international and localised data lists can actually be beneficial to helping you establish that niche – using a generic data list to first capture the kinds of people that are interacting, responding, and even buying from you. From there you can determine where they fit with your business proposition, and thus find your niche in that local market.

Using global data in your company marketing

Once you have identified your niche and found yourself the right international list of contacts, the real benefits kick in. For one thing, the more structure you have to your data list, the more organised your comms will be and the more you will be able to track response rate and interest. Even those organisations and contacts who are not interested in your offering will, from then on, be aware of your company and your brand – and that kind of recognition is critical in the ruthless world of business. Data lists also enable you to streamline the time spend on customer outreach, eradicating the need for crucial local market research on a global scale and instead allowing your team to focus on more important operational aspects of driving your business forward. Finally, to the benefit we all look for as business owners – a higher conversion rate and more industry recognition. Going global is not something to be undertaken lightly, however with our high quality and effective international business leads and contacts, we can take you some way towards conquering a global audience.