Our Cookie Policy

Welcome to our website’s Cookie Policy page. At AD Marketing, we provide high-quality business data, including B2B data, B2C data lists, education databases, public sector data, relocation leads, business email lists, and much more. We value your privacy and want to ensure that your online experience with us is as smooth and personalised as possible. To achieve this, we use cookies, and this policy is designed to explain what cookies are, how we use them, and how they benefit your user experience.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer or device when you visit a website. These files contain information specific to each visitor and can be accessed when you return to our site at a later date. Think of cookies like digital post-it notes; they help us remember important details that enhance your browsing experience.

Our cookies often contain information that makes your interaction with our website more convenient, such as remembering your login credentials or the items in your shopping cart.

What Cookies Do We Use?

1. Performance Cookies: These cookies are set by third-party providers to assist us in improving your overall experience on our website. They do not store any personal information but collect anonymous data about your visit, helping us identify and address performance issues.

2. Analytics Cookies: Also set by third-party providers, analytics cookies help us gain insights into how visitors use our website. They do not store personal information but gather anonymous data about your visit. This information aids us in making data-driven decisions to enhance the website’s usability and content.

By using our website, you consent to the use of these cookies as described in this Cookie Policy. You can manage your cookie preferences and make changes at any time by adjusting your browser settings.

Managing Your Cookie Preferences

We understand that your privacy matters. You have the option to control and customise your cookie preferences. Most web browsers allow you to:

  • Accept or decline cookies
  • Delete specific cookies
  • Block cookies from specific websites
  • Set your browser to notify you when a cookie is being used, giving you the choice to accept or decline it.

Please note that disabling or blocking certain cookies may affect your experience on our website. For more information on how to manage cookies, please refer to your browser’s help documentation.

Your privacy and security are important to us, and we strive to maintain the highest standards when it comes to data protection and online experience. If you have any questions or concerns about our Cookie Policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing AD Marketing. We appreciate your trust in us as we work to provide you with an exceptional online experience.

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