How demographic data can help you understand your audience

Demographic data is one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal, because it helps you to get a clearer picture of the people you’re targeting. This sort of data might include their name, address, phone number, email, employment information, qualifications, and income bracket, all of which are pure gold in marketing terms.


When you’re launching a marketing strategy and want to reach the people who matter most, it’s demographic marketing lists which are going to have the biggest impact on your success rates. So what are the main benefits when you buy marketing data?


You narrow down your audience


One of the best things about demographic data is it helps you become more selective in the people you target. Blanket marketing can work, but it can also be time consuming, costly and still fail to reach the people who are actually going to sit up and pay attention. Using demographic marketing lists, you can narrow down your audience and ensure you only target those who are likely to take an interest and engage, by selecting people in a certain age bracket, for example, or those in a particular position within their organisation. The narrower the field, the more likely you are to see returns.


You save yourself a lot of time


Time is of the essence for many businesses, and most don’t have the free time to pour into a protracted advertising campaign. By using demographic data, you can reach out to named individuals through their personal business contact details, rather than simply emailing or calling an organisation and risking your marketing going unseen or unheard. People are more likely to engage if they feel that one-to-one connection, saving you time on repeated attempts to drum up interest.


You get a better understanding of your customers’ needs


There is no ‘one size fits all’ in business, and tailored business lists can help you understand your customers’ needs. Data can be broken down into specific demographic categories, and what those in one category are looking for may not be the same as what those in another category want. By breaking this data down and talking to individuals, you get a better sense of what people will be interested in and can tailor your marketing to suit.


You add the personal touch


Yes, we are dealing with big data and big numbers, but people do business with people. When you have the names and contact details of an individual, you bring in the personal touch which everyone appreciates, even in the corporate world. People are more likely to engage with your marketing if they feel like they have been specially selected, rather than being swept up in some mass marketing strategy.


AD Marketing is one of the most experienced data providers UK businesses can use for their b2b marketing lists. We have three decades’ experience working in this field and can provide you with bespoke demographic data which guarantees results and will help you launch a successful marketing campaign. For more information, simply get in touch today.

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